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”Come back to the present – come back to yourself”
Vedic Yoga in Rishikesh
"The Vedic Yoga Centre teaches traditional yoga using a combination of ancient practices including mantra, meditation, kriyas, asana, pranayama, bandha, mudra – creating a complete experience connecting the body, mind and spirit."
“Yoga means union –
YOUR union with the present moment;
only then you are really alive.”

Join us for a true Vedic yoga experience
with a teacher trained in traditional techniques.
Vedic Yoga Rishikesh India
Vedic Yoga is a practice based upon the traditional teachings of the Vedas which are the oldest Sanskrit writings. The practice of Vedic Yoga aims to teach us our true nature which is that of universal consciousness. The courses offered by the Centre are based on these teachings as seen through the eyes, and particularly the experience, of Shailendra Singh Negi, senior teacher at the Vedic Yoga Centre.
Ganga View From the Vedic Yoga Centre
Vedic Yoga
All Yoga courses are accredited and certified
as per the standards of the Yoga Alliance
the vedic yoga centre offers
If you want to learn about Yoga this is the best place to be. Just by Laxman Juhla but set back this is a place of tranquility. The accommodation is nothing fancy but comfortable, it has a small kitchen and a friendly family who runs the place. All I can say is I want to go back.
- Theo C, United Kingdom 2015
This is a jewel in Rishikesh which has many ashrams and spiritual centers. There are several amazing aspects to this center. It is located on the Ganges river basically and is super clean. MOST important part, Master Shailendra is truly a great gift to the world. He knows so much and is so humble.
- Fredbusch2018, Florida
I stayed for 3 weeks at this yoga center 2 years ago. It gave me a good and deep experience of Kriya Yoga. I decided to go back and organized a yoga retreat with my students, so this month our group stayed there for 2 weeks. It was truly a wonderful and fulfilling experience for me as a teacher. Everything worked smoothly from Shailendra's classes to meals and helpful service from his sincere team. The rooms are spacious and comfortable and the location couldn't be better. I highly recommend this place for practicing yoga and for getting the Rishikesh experience.
- Karianitamoe, Norway, 2018
Our tour group stayed at the Vedic Yoga Centre and tried out the brand new rooms that are beautiful as well as the stunning rooms upstairs with views over the town. What a helpful amazing family-run guest house, and the peaceful atmosphere of the Yoga and Kirtan and also exceptional Ayurvedic massages were very relaxing after a busy tour through North India.
- Karen Dale, New Zealand 2019
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