What Is Beej Mantra?

Beej mantras are considered to be the most basic mantras because they contain only one syllable. They are known as seed mantras because they are the root of all longer Vedic mantras. When combined with longer mantras the power of a seed mantra increases.
The Mother of all mantras is the single-syllable AUM. This is believed to be the first sound from which all other sounds arise. Other well-known beej mantras include Aim, Hreem, Kleem, Shrim, Trim, Dham. They may be small, but each sound contains many words within itself.
A beej mantra is also attached to each major chakra within the human body.
Root chakra (muladhara) – LAM
LAM is the beej mantra for your root chakra (located at the base of spine). It represents the earth element within you. Chanting LAM while focusing on this chakra helps keep you linked to the earth, the Mother of everything in nature. It offers a sense of security in the world. When this chakra becomes balanced through constant chanting of Lam you feel stable, secure and grounded.
Sacral chakra – (swadisthana) – VAM
VAM is the beej mantra for your sacral chakra (located around your reproductive organs). It represents the water element within you. Chanting VAM while focusing on this chakra helps balance the water element. It allows you to embrace life’s challenges and creates openness and trust with others. It also demonstrates appropriately controlled sexuality.
Solar plexus chakra – (manipura) – RAM
RAM is the beej mantra for the solar plexus chakra (located around the navel). It represents the fire element within you. Chanting RAM while focusing on this chakra helps your digestive fire and enhances your power. It helps to eliminate negativity and improves trust in yourself. It is characterised by assertiveness and co-operation.
Heart chakra – (anahata) – YAM
YAM is the beej mantra for the heart chakra (located at the base of the chest). It represents the air element within you. Chanting YAM while focusing on this chakra helps you to open your heart. You only truly begin your inner journey when your actions arise from this chakra. Awakening anahata helps to develop forgiveness, emotional maturity, creativity, compassion and unconditional love towards others.
Throat chakra – (vishuddhi) – HAM
HAM is the beej mantra for throat chakra (located in the neck region). It represents the space element within you. Chanting HAM while focusing on this chakra helps you express yourself and communicate with others. It gives you the courage to speak your truth and is characterised by trust, devotion, and surrender, bringing balance between your thoughts, words and actions.
Third Eye chakra – (agya) – AUM
AUM is the beej mantra for the Third Eye chakra (located between the eyebrows). This chakra is beyond the five elements of nature. It is your 6th sense, and looks inward rather than outward. Chanting AUM while focusing on this chakra helps to awaken your discriminative intellect, inner vision, and higher intuitive wisdom, which arises from your own experiences. It clarifies your purpose and helps connect you to your inner peace and joy. When mastery over this centre is reached, the Mother of all mantras, Aum, is heard within, and connection between a teacher and student no longer requires verbal communication.
Crown chakra – (sahasrara) – SILENCE
There is no seed mantra for the seventh chakra. Accessing this chakra is a consequence of the balance created in the previous six chakras. The practice of chanting the seed mantras is needed to awaken this chakra. There are no words to express the experience of the sahasrara chakra – it can only be accessed through inner silence. It is the ultimate destination of your spiritual journey, and your progress toward this goal is ongoing.
When you have entirely dropped your ego, the Creator graces you with a state of continuous bliss or samadhi – it represents the merging of the individual self and the cosmic self. Your total surrender leads you to ultimate freedom and the permanent loss of fear. Beej mantras play an essential role in this journey.
How to chant beej mantra for chakra balancing?
Sit in a comfortable meditative posture (or on a chair with a straight back) and close your eyes. Take a few breaths to calm yourself. When you are ready to start, exhale completely, hold your breath, focus intensely on the chakra you are balancing, and repeat the beej mantra associated with that chakra:
LAM for muladhara chakra
VAM for swadisthana chakra
RAM for manipura chakra
YAM for anahata chakra
HAM for vishuddhi chakra
AUM for agya chakra
When you can no longer hold your breath, slowly inhale, then relax. Gradually you can increase the number of breaths for each chakra to 3 when you are comfortable.
This practice will create within you a sense of tranquility and peace if performed mindfully.
The breath and sound are two vehicles through which your flow of awareness can be trained in the present
Shailendra Singh Negi